
标题: 在澳大利亚接受乙肝或丙肝病毒报告的人群中,肝细胞癌住 [打印本页]

作者: StephenW    时间: 2018-2-7 20:36     标题: 在澳大利亚接受乙肝或丙肝病毒报告的人群中,肝细胞癌住

Hepatol Commun. 2017 Aug 16;1(8):736-747. doi: 10.1002/hep4.1073. eCollection  2017 Oct.
Survival following hospitalization with hepatocellular carcinoma among people notified with hepatitis B or C virus in Australia (2000-2014).Waziry R1, Grebely J1, Amin J2, Alavi M1, Hajarizadeh B1, George J3, Matthews GV1, Law M1, Dore GJ1.
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1The Kirby InstituteUNSW SydneySydneyAustralia.2Faculty of Medicine and Health SciencesMacquarie UniversitySydneyAustralia.3Storr Liver UnitWestmead Millennium Institute and Westmead Hospital, University of SydneySydneyAustralia.

AbstractWe assessed trends in HCC survival in patients with hepatitis B virus (HBV) or hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in New South Wales, Australia. Data on HBV (n = 54,399) and HCV (n = 96,908) notifications (1993-2012) were linked to a hospitalization database (July 2000-June 2014), the New South Wales Cancer Registry, and the New South Wales Death Registry. A total of 725 (1.3%) first HBV-hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and 1,309 (1.4%) first HCV-HCC hospitalizations were included. Death occurred in 60.4% of HBV-HCC and 69.6% of HCV-HCC patients. Median survival following first HBV-HCC hospitalization improved from 0.6 years (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.39-1.28) in 2000-2004 to 2.8 years (1.54-5.54) in 2010-2014. Median survival following first HCV-HCC hospitalization was 0.8 years (0.45-1.33) in 2000-2004 and 0.9 (0.67-1.18) in 2010-2014. One-year HBV-HCC survival in 2010-2014 compared to 2000-2004 improved for those with (94% versus 81%) and without (42% versus 33%) potentially curative procedures (liver resection, liver transplantation, and radiofrequency ablation). Factors associated with improved survival following HBV-HCC were later study period (hazard ratio [HR] = 0.74; 95% CI, 0.57-0.97) and potentially curative procedures (liver resection, liver transplantation, and radiofrequency ablation) (HR = 0.23; 95% CI, 0.17-0.29), while male gender (HR = 1.37; 95% CI, 1.03-1.82), human immunodeficiency virus coinfection (HR = 3.06; 95% CI, 1.36-6.88), and Charlson Comorbidity Index ≥3 (HR = 1.81; 95% CI, 1.35-2.40) were associated with reduced survival. Factors associated with improved survival following HCC-HCV were Asia-Pacific country of birth (HR = 0.68; 95% CI, 0.55-0.84) and potentially curative procedures (HR = 0.21; 95% CI, 0.17-0.25), while age (HR = 1.01; 95% CI, 1.01-1.02), rural place of residence (HR = 1.46; 95% CI, 1.22-1.74), and human immunodeficiency virus coinfection (HR = 2.71; 95% CI, 1.19-6.15) were associated with reduced survival. Conclusion: All-cause survival following HBV-HCC has improved considerably, suggesting an impact of more effective antiviral therapy and earlier HCC diagnosis; in contrast, all-cause survival for HCV-HCC is unchanged. (Hepatology Communications 2017;1:736-747).


作者: StephenW    时间: 2018-2-7 20:36

Hepatol Commun。 2017年8月16日; 1(8):736-747。 doi:10.1002 / hep4.1073。 eCollection 2017年10月
Waziry R1,Grebely J1,Amin J2,Alavi M1,Hajarizadeh B1,George J3,Matthews GV1,Law M1,Dore GJ1。

    Kirby学院UNSW SydneySydneyAustralia。
    Storr Liver UnitWestmead千年研究所和悉尼大学Westmead医院澳大利亚。


我们评估了澳大利亚新南威尔士州乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)或丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)感染患者的HCC生存趋势。有关HBV(n = 54,399)和HCV(n = 96,908)通报(1993-2012)的数据与住院数据库(2000年7月至2014年6月),新南威尔士州癌症登记处和新南威尔士州死亡登记处相关。首先包括725(1.3%)首次HBV-肝细胞癌(HCC)和1,309(1.4%)首次HCV-HCC住院。 HBV-HCC发生率为60.4%,HCV-HCC发生率为69.6%。首次HBV-HCC住院治疗后的中位生存期从2000 - 2004年的0.6年(95%置信区间[CI] 0.39-1.28)提高到2010 - 2014年的2.8年(1.54-5.54)。首次HCV-HCC住院后的中位生存期为2000 - 2004年0.8年(0.45-1.33),2010 - 2014年为0.9(0.67-1.18)。对于那些(94%比81%)和没有(42%比33%)潜在治愈性手术(肝切除,肝移植和射频消融)的患者,2010 - 2014年一年的HBV-HCC生存率与2000 - 。 (HR = 0.74; 95%CI,0.57〜0.97)和可能的治疗方法(肝切除,肝移植和射频消融)(HR = 0.23;男性(HR = 1.37; 95%CI,1.03-1.82),人类免疫缺陷病毒共感染(HR = 3.06; 95%CI,1.36-6.88)和Charlson合并症指数≥3(95%CI,0.17-0.29) (HR = 1.81; 95%CI,1.35-2.40)与生存率降低有关。与HCC-HCV改善生存率相关的因素是亚太地区出生(HR = 0.68; 95%CI,0.55-0.84)和潜在的治愈程序(HR = 0.21; 95%CI,0.17-0.25),而年龄HR = 1.01; 95%CI,1.01-1.02),农村居住地(HR = 1.46; 95%CI,1.22-1.74)和人类免疫缺陷病毒共感染(HR = 2.71; 95%CI,1.19-6.15)与生存率降低有关。结论:HBV-HCC的全因死亡率有显着改善,提示更有效的抗病毒治疗和HCC早期诊断的影响;相比之下,HCV-HCC的全因存活不变。 (Hepatology Communications 2017; 1:736-747)。

    10.1002 / hep4.1073
作者: 9病成医    时间: 2018-2-7 22:07

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