
标题: ARC-520的最新实验数据 [打印本页]

作者: 齐欢畅2    时间: 2015-9-24 19:37     标题: ARC-520的最新实验数据

本帖最后由 齐欢畅2 于 2015-10-7 16:39 编辑

arrowhead Reports Peak Reduction in HBsAg of Up to 99% (1.9 log) After a Single Dose with Hepatitis B Candidate ARC-520 in Treatment Naïve Cohort of Phase 2a Study

- Single-dose Reductions in HBeAg of up to 98% (1.7 log) also achieved

- Multi-dose studies in chimpanzees showed peak reduction in HBsAg of up to 99.8% (2.7 log)

- Company hosts an analyst and investor day today to discuss results

PASADENA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Arrowhead Research Corporation (NASDAQ: ARWR), a biopharmaceutical company developing targeted RNAi therapeutics, is hosting an analyst day today in New York, with a presentation starting at 11:00 a.m. EDT to discuss top-line findings from the Heparc-2001 Phase 2a clinical study of ARC-520, its candidate for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B infection. Additionally, the company will discuss findings from a study of 9 chimpanzees that have been treated monthly with ARC-520 for between 6 and 11 months with a background therapy of nucleotide/nucleoside analog inhibitors (NUCs) tenofovir and/or entecavir.
Key findings:

Arrowhead's proprietary DPC™ platform can effectively and consistently knock down target genes in humans
HBV E-antigen positive (HBeAg-positive) patients on a background of chronic entecavir receiving a 4 mg/kg single-dose of ARC-520 showed a mean maximal 92% (1.2 log) reduction in circulating HBeAg and a best reduction of 98% (1.7 log). Similar mean maximal reductions were also demonstrated in HBV core-related antigen (HBcrAg) from both HBeAg-negative and -positive patients. ARC-520 is designed to silence all gene products expressed by HBV cccDNA, so this data suggests that it may be substantially disrupting additional viral functions.

ARC-520 achieves significant HBV s-Antigen (HBsAg) reductions in humans, particularly in treatment naïve, HBeAg-positive patients
In a cohort of NUC-naïve, HBeAg-positive patients, best peak HBsAg reduction has been 99% (1.9 log) and the mean maximum HBsAg reduction has been 1.05 log through 15 days post ARC-520 treatment. This open-label cohort is fully enrolled; data collection is ongoing and will be continued through Day 85 post ARC-520 treatment. These reductions are substantially higher than results from NUC treatment-experienced cohorts.

Arrowhead identifies a large target HBV population for ARC-520 and describes a new paradigm for the HBV lifecycle
Arrowhead's long-term chimp study and findings from the clinical study suggest that HBV cccDNA decreases during the HBV lifecycle, especially with the transition from HBeAg-positive to -negative. HBV DNA integrated into host DNA appears to maintain significant HBsAg production as cccDNA declines. This process is accelerated with NUC treatment. ARC-520 specifically targets cccDNA, and NUC-naïve HBeAg-positive patients are expected to be richest in cccDNA. It is estimated in the U.S. that 95% of people chronically infected with HBV are currently NUC-naïve and at least 50% of them are likely to be HBeAg-positive. While it is unknown what impact ARC-520's broad based effects on HBV biology will have on the sero-clearance process in any of the HBV subgroups, the effect on HBsAg in NUC-naïve HBeAg-positive patients makes this group especially attractive to study and a key focus for multi-dose studies going forward.

ARC-520 induces deep HBsAg reduction in chronically HBV infected chimps and 1 of 4 HBeAg-positive chimps demonstrated signs of immune reactivation during therapy
9 chimps were first suppressed with NUCs and then treated with 6 - 11 monthly doses of ARC-520. 4 HBeAg-positive chimps demonstrated 99% (2 log) mean peak reduction in HBsAg, and 1 of the 4 experienced signs of immune reactivation during therapy; 4 HBeAg-negative chimps demonstrated 81% (0.7 log) mean peak reduction in HBsAg; and 1 chimp transitioning from HBeAg-positive to HBeAg-negative demonstrated peak HBsAg reduction of 87% (0.9 log).

ARC-520 has been well tolerated
84 humans have received ARC-520 and to date no adverse events have been rated as serious or severe, no discontinuations have occurred due to an adverse event, and no laboratory results have indicated any end organ toxicity. Additionally, 9 chimps received 6-11 monthly doses of ARC-520 and no safety signals were detected in any chimp.

Arrowhead expands its HBV portfolio by nominating an additional clinical candidate that is complementary to ARC-520
ARC-520 will continue development including focus on the significant market of e-antigen positive treatment-naïve chronic HBV patients. ARC-521 is being developed to target cccDNA and also, integrated DNA, which appears to be a more significant producer of HBsAg in patients who have been treated with NUCs or who are e-antigen negative. In HBeAg-negative chimps predicted to have higher levels of integrated DNA, administration of the integrant-targeted siRNA in ARC-521 led to 99% (2 logs) of additional HBsAg reduction. The Company expects to file an IND or equivalent for ARC-521 by mid-2016.

Christopher Anzalone, Ph.D., president and CEO of Arrowhead, said, "These are exciting data that represent a significant leap forward for our DPC™ platform, ARC-520, and the HBV field. We have achieved the highest knockdown ever reported in humans with RNAi and a safety profile that continues to be excellent. We are optimistic that this will ultimately translate into powerful clinical outcomes for ARC-520 and follow-on candidates against multiple indications."Robert Gish, M.D., clinical professor of medicine (consultant) at Stanford Hospital and Medical Center, said, "These animal and single-dose human studies with ARC-520 in chronic hepatitis B infected individuals provide compelling evidence about a multi-pronged antiviral effect that will accelerate new studies with multiple doses and combination therapy to move forward."Robert Lanford, Ph.D., director at the Southwest National Primate Research Center, said, "I have been extremely impressed by the potency of ARC-520 and its ability to reduce multiple viral proteins. The results from the study in chimpanzees have revealed some important new insights about HBV biology and have introduced new ideas about effective ways to intervene in the HBV lifecycle."A live and archived version of the webcast, including presentation slides, will be available on the events section of the Company's website atir.arrowheadresearch.com/events.cfm. To access an audio only version of the live presentation, dial 855-215-6159 toll-free from the U.S. or 315-625-6887 for international callers and enter Conference ID 19541930.

作者: 齐欢畅2    时间: 2015-9-24 19:40

作者: StephenW    时间: 2015-9-24 19:48


- 单剂量减少大三阳高达98%(1.7日志)也实现

- 在黑猩猩多剂量研究表明峰值减小的HBsAg高达99.8%(2.7日志)

- 公司举办的分析师和投资者今天一天讨论结果

加利福尼亚州帕萨迪纳 - (BUSINESS WIRE) - 箭头研究公司(纳斯达克股票代码:ARWR),一家生物制药公司开发有针对性的RNA干扰疗法,今天举办的分析师日在纽约,演示开始上午11:00 EDT来来自ARC-520,其候选人的慢性乙肝感染治疗的Heparc-2001 2a期临床研究讨论了顶线的调查结果。此外,该公司将从中已经被处理每月与ARC-520之间的6和11个月的核苷酸/核苷类似物抑制剂(NUCs)替诺福韦和/或恩替卡韦背景治疗9黑猩猩进行研究讨论的结果。


乙肝病毒e抗原阳性(HBeAg阳性)的病人在慢性恩替卡韦收到4毫克/公斤的单剂量ARC-520的背景下表现出了平均最大92%(1.2日志)减少流通HBeAg和98最好减少%(1.7日志)。类似的平均最大减少也证明了来自HBeAg阴性和阳性患者HBV核心相关抗原(HBcrAg)。 ARC-520被设计来沉默由HBV cccDNA的表达的所有基因产物,所以此数据表明,它可以是基本上破坏附加病毒的功能。


箭头的长期黑猩猩的研究和临床研究结果表明,HBV cccDNA的乙肝病毒生命周期中减少,尤其是来自HBeAg阳性到阴性的过渡。 HBV DNA整合到宿主DNA似乎保持显著HBsAg的产量为cccDNA的下降。这个过程被加速以NUC治疗。 ARC-520专门针对cccDNA的,并且NUC初治HBeAg阳性患者有望成为最富有的cccDNA的。据估计,在美国,95%的人慢性感染HBV的目前NUC-幼稚和其中至少50%的很可能是HBeAg阳性。虽然它是未知的什么样的影响ARC-520对HBV生物普涨效应将会对血清清关过程中的任何乙肝病毒亚组,在NUC初治HBeAg阳性患者对乙肝表面抗原的影响,使这个群体特别是有吸引力的学习和多剂量研究的一个重点向前发展。

ARC-520诱导深层的HBsAg减少4 HBeAg阳性黑猩猩在慢性HBV感染的黑猩猩和1个展示免疫激活治疗期间迹象
9黑猩猩首先压制着NUCs,然后用6处理 - 11月度剂量ARC-520。 4 HBeAg阳性黑猩猩表明99%(2个对数)平均峰减少的HBsAg,和1的4经历免疫激活的治疗期间的迹象; 4 HBeAg阴性黑猩猩表现出81%(0.7日志)平均峰值减少乙肝表面抗原; 1黑猩猩的HBeAg阳性转变为HBeAg阴性证明乙肝表面抗原峰值减少87%(0.9日志)。


ARC-520将继续发展,包括重点e抗原阳性初治慢性乙肝患者的显著市场。 ARC-521正在开发为目标的cccDNA并且还,整合的DNA,这似乎是乙肝表面抗原中谁已经用NUCs或谁是e抗原阴性的患者更显著生产者。 HBeAg阴性黑猩猩预测具有在ARC-521导致的额外的HBsAg减少99%(2原木)更高水平的整合的DNA,该整合体靶向siRNA的施用。该公司预计中期2016年提交的IND或等效的ARC-521。





实况和网上广播录音版本,其中包括演示幻灯片,将可在本公司网站的ir.arrowheadresearch.com/events.cfm事件部分。要访问只有音频的版本,现场演示,请拨打855-215-6159免费电话从美国或315-625-6887国际来电者,并输入会议ID 19541930。
作者: 齐欢畅2    时间: 2015-9-24 19:56

HBV E-antigen positive (HBeAg-positive) patients on a background of chronic entecavir receiving a 4 mg/kg single-dose of ARC-520 showed a mean maximal 92% (1.2 log) reduction in circulating HBeAg and a best reduction of 98% (1.7 log).
作者: newchinabok    时间: 2015-9-24 20:16

作者: 笑笑十年    时间: 2015-9-24 20:19

作者: disan    时间: 2015-9-24 20:23

newchinabok 发表于 2015-9-24 20:16
没什么了不起,大家要看的是3mg和4mg人体数据,都二期b了还拿大猩猩说事,完全是为了股价,大猩猩效果好的 ...

作者: newchinabok    时间: 2015-9-24 20:24

本帖最后由 newchinabok 于 2015-9-24 20:26 编辑

作者: 齐欢畅2    时间: 2015-9-24 20:30

HBV E-antigen positive (HBeAg-positive) patients on a background of chronic entecavir receiving a 4 mg/kg single-dose of ARC-520 showed a mean maximal 92% (1.2 log) reduction in circulating HBeAg and a best reduction of 98% (1.7 log).
作者: disan    时间: 2015-9-24 20:31

newchinabok 发表于 2015-9-24 20:24
会避了最关键点,hbsag清除百分之九十九,剩下百分之一如何清除,,猴子停药后结果如何? ...

作者: MP4    时间: 2015-9-24 20:31

作者: 齐欢畅2    时间: 2015-9-24 20:32

作者: newchinabok    时间: 2015-9-24 20:36

作者: disan    时间: 2015-9-24 20:37

本帖最后由 disan 于 2015-9-24 20:42 编辑



作者: MP4    时间: 2015-9-24 20:38

作者: newchinabok    时间: 2015-9-24 20:42

作者: newchinabok    时间: 2015-9-24 20:44

作者: newchinabok    时间: 2015-9-24 20:45

作者: 相信会幸福    时间: 2015-9-24 20:46


作者: 齐欢畅2    时间: 2015-9-24 20:46

所以,现在我们有了三类药物:1.核苷类(替诺福伟) 2.长效干扰素  3.rna干扰药物 4.其他杂类药物
作者: 一字    时间: 2015-9-28 13:55

作者: 重韧    时间: 2015-9-30 09:00

本帖最后由 重韧 于 2015-9-30 09:01 编辑

关键是一点。二期也只是说击倒了很多,个别还有99%。但猩猩也好,人也罢没有说到最终有没有人获得功能性的治愈。现在也只是打倒一片,还没全部打倒。箭头自己也说乙肝的感染性是HIV 的100倍,那说明乙肝生存能力很强。二期都完全没有出现功能性治愈的案例,难道三期中就直接会跳出来了吗?而且现在都是联系合NUC 了。。消息很让人鼓舞,但也不能盲目的乐观,希望未来的结果也是让人满意的。。
作者: fs2002    时间: 2015-9-30 11:31

作者: floraho    时间: 2015-9-30 11:47

回复 重韧 的帖子

作者: yelanglms    时间: 2015-9-30 15:06

回复 MP4 的帖子

作者: yelanglms    时间: 2015-9-30 15:15

newchinabok 发表于 2015-9-24 20:24
会避了最关键点,hbsag清除百分之九十九,剩下百分之一如何清除,,猴子停药后结果如何? ...

作者: 肝肠欲断    时间: 2015-9-30 16:33

作者: hchu    时间: 2015-9-30 19:10

作者: 囧大叔    时间: 2015-9-30 19:33

回复 hchu 的帖子

作者: MP4    时间: 2015-10-1 02:49

yelanglms 发表于 2015-9-30 15:06
回复 MP4 的帖子


作者: newchinabok    时间: 2015-10-1 08:42

作者: gdxsy    时间: 2015-10-1 20:10

Arrowhead's ARC-520, an RNAi-based treatment for HBV, may be launche in 2020.
作者: ivanich    时间: 2015-10-1 23:49

may be而已,也许提前

作者: 齐欢畅2    时间: 2015-10-2 16:43

箭头公司已在美国 印度等地申请了2b实验,多剂量,分三次每次1mg 和2mg不等,总观察期150天左右,其实他们当时申请了更高的剂量标准,但美国那边没有同意。所以2b数据估计要明年出来,到时候才是真正有用的数据,2a实验毕竟是单剂量的,效果有多少还是不确定的,但2b是看多剂量后的反应,应该是可以定成败论英雄的时候了。
作者: cgyok    时间: 2015-10-6 22:08

作者: 9病成医    时间: 2015-10-6 22:17

作者: 齐欢畅2    时间: 2015-10-6 22:27

作者: 齐欢畅2    时间: 2015-10-6 22:29

作者: 齐欢畅2    时间: 2015-10-7 13:05

作者: 齐欢畅2    时间: 2015-10-7 13:19

作者: 默然10    时间: 2015-10-7 15:49


作者: 齐欢畅2    时间: 2015-10-7 16:12

回复 默然10 的帖子

作者: zgct    时间: 2015-10-7 20:04

汕数据520不是显数,核苷核会增加integrated DNA使HBV难以治愈
作者: 齐欢畅2    时间: 2015-10-7 22:19


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