
标题: 肝硬化和慢性乙肝肝癌和监督的作用率:10年的随访病人673 [打印本页]

作者: StephenW    时间: 2015-5-14 10:57     标题: 肝硬化和慢性乙肝肝癌和监督的作用率:10年的随访病人673

European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology:
June 2015 - Volume 27 - Issue 6 - p 638–643
doi: 10.1097/MEG.0000000000000341
Original Articles: Hepatitis
Rates of cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma in chronic hepatitis B and the role of surveillance: a 10-year follow-up of 673 patients

Poh, Zhongxiana; Goh, Boon-Bee Georgea; Chang, Pik-Eu Jasona,b; Tan, Chee-Kiata,b
Open Access
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aDepartment of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Singapore General Hospital

bDuke-NUS Graduate Medical School, Singapore

Correspondence to Chee-Kiat Tan, MBBS, FRCP (Edinburgh), Department of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Singapore General Hospital, Level 3, 20 College Road, Singapore 169856, Singapore Tel: +65 63214684; fax: +65 62273623; e-mail: [email protected]

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Received December 14, 2014

Accepted February 16, 2015
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Background and objectives: Development of cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) are critical milestones in the natural history of chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. There are no prospective data on the risk of these critical milestones in HBV patients in Singapore. The efficacy and justification of HCC surveillance is determined by the rate of HCC development. Our study aims to determine the rates of cirrhosis and HCC in HBV patients in Singapore and hence the appropriateness of HCC surveillance.

Materials and methods: A total of 673 HBV patients were enrolled between March 2003 and March 2004 and followed up for 10 years with regular surveillance for HCC using α-fetoprotein and abdominal ultrasound.

Results: Overall, 62.6% of the patients were men, mean age 56.4 years. In all, 31% were hepatitis B e antigen-positive and 14.9% had cirrhosis at baseline. Seventy-four patients developed cirrhosis and 42 patients developed HCC after 10 years. The overall 10-year incidence of cirrhosis and HCC was 16.2% (1.6%/year) and 7.8% (0.8%/year), respectively. The overall incidence of HCC in cirrhotics was 29.7% (3.0%/year), highest within a year of diagnosis of cirrhosis (7.9%). The rate of cirrhosis was significantly higher in those aged more than 55 years (P=0.001). Sex and hepatitis B e antigen status did not affect the rate of cirrhosis. Factors with significantly higher overall rates of HCC were age 55 years or more (P=0.001), male sex (P=0.001), and baseline α-fetoprotein of 4.1 µg/l or more (P<0.0001). However, age more than 55 years was not significant in the development of HCC in cirrhotics.

Conclusion: The rate of cirrhosis in HBV patients in Singapore is about 1.6% per year. The rate of HCC is about 0.8% per year overall and 3.0% per year in cirrhotics, which justifies HCC surveillance.

作者: StephenW    时间: 2015-5-14 10:57

2015年6月 - 27卷 - 第6 - P 638-643
DOI:10.1097 / MEG.0000000000000341




对应赐永吉谭,MBBS,FRCP(爱丁堡),胃肠及肝脏,新加坡中央医院,3级,学院路20号,新加坡169856,新加坡部电话:+65 63214684;传真:+65 62273623;电子邮件:[email protected]

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材料与方法:一共有673例HBV 2003年3月和2004年3月之间被纳入并随访10年,定期监测,使用HCCα胎蛋白和腹部超声检查。

结果:总体来说,患者62.6%为男性,平均年龄56.4年。在所有,31%为乙型肝炎e抗原阳性和14.9%患有肝硬化基线。七十四例患者肝硬化和42例患者经过10多年的发展肝癌。整体10年发病率肝硬化和肝癌的分别为16.2%(1.6%/年)和7.8%(0.8%/年),。肝癌肝硬化患者中的发生率为29.7%(3.0%/年),最高的一年肝硬化(7.9%)的诊断之内。肝硬化的发生率为显著高于那些年龄超过55岁(P = 0.001)。性别和乙肝e抗原状况并没有影响肝硬化的速度。与肝癌显著较高的整体速率的因素是年龄55岁以上(P = 0.001),男性(P = 0.001),和基线α胎蛋白4.1微克/升以上(P <0.0001)。然而,年龄55岁以上不在肝癌肝硬化发展显著。

结论:肝硬化的患者HBV新加坡率大约是每年1.6%。 HCC的速率为约0.8%,每年整体和肝硬化每年3.0%,这证明肝癌监视。

作者: StephenW    时间: 2015-5-14 11:03


The rates of development of cirrhosis and HCC in CHB patients in this first ever prospective study in Singapore are 1.6% per annum and 0.8% per annum, respectively. In cirrhotic patients, the incidence of HCC development is 3% per annum. These results are comparable with rates reported worldwide, in Asia, America, and Europe 9–14.

HCC surveillance comprising 6-monthly surveillance serum AFP and abdominal ultrasound has been shown in a large randomized-controlled trial of 18 816 patients to reduce HCC-related mortality by 37% 15. The decision to subject a patient to HCC surveillance is determined by the individual’s risk for HCC, which is related to the incidence of HCC in that particular population. Cost-effectiveness models suggest that an intervention is considered cost-effective if it provides gains of life expectancy of more than 3 months at a cost of less than US$50 000 per year of life saved 16. A cost-effectiveness study in Child–Pugh’s A CHB cirrhosis patients suggests that HCC incidence of 1.5% per annum or greater would justify HCC surveillance 17. Similar rates are also proposed for HCV-related cirrhosis and stage-4 primary biliary cirrhosis 18. As CHB patients are at risk of HCC development even in the absence of cirrhosis, major associations such as the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) and American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD) recommend that the threshold incidence for efficacy of HCC surveillance should be 0.2% per year in select CHB populations such as Asian men older than 40 years of age, Asian women older than 50 years of age, African/North American blacks, and CHB patients with a family history of HCC 18,19. Compared with the incidence of HCC in western populations of about 0.1–0.4% per annum 6,20, our HCC development rate of 0.8% per annum is higher. The results of our study justify HCC surveillance in our CHB patients.

In our study, HCC rates were highest within the first year of diagnosis of cirrhosis because of seven cases of HCC being detected within a year of diagnosis of cirrhosis. Of these seven cases, four were diagnosed concomitantly with both HCC and cirrhosis on CT/MRI. The remaining three patients who were diagnosed to have cirrhosis 2, 5, and 8 months after HCC were most likely missed because of inaccuracy before the HCC diagnosis.

The high rate of HCC development in the first year may be because of prevalent cancers in patients who were not under routine HCC surveillance as cirrhosis may not have been diagnosed previously. This can also be explained by the limited sensitivity of early detection of cirrhosis or poor detection of early cirrhosis on routine US surveillance. Cirrhotic changes could have also been misinterpreted as fatty infiltration, leading to a false diagnosis of fatty liver disease coexisting with CHB. With the increasing availability and sensitivity of noninvasive liver stiffness measurement techniques, cirrhosis may be detected earlier and with greater sensitivity and accuracy.

It is traditionally believed that HBeAg-positive status is associated with an increased risk of HCC 21. Our observation of the lack of effect of HBeAg status on HCC development is similar to a Hong Kong study that reported similar findings 22. In that study by Yuen and colleagues of 820 patients followed up for a mean of 76.8 months, there was no difference in the overall risk of HCC between patients who were positive for HBeAg (n=356) compared with those positive for anti-HBe (n=464) at presentation (P=0.54). Out of 356 patients, 144 underwent HBeAg seroconversion, but there was again no difference in the overall risk of HCC development in this subgroup compared with the initial two groups.

In our study, patients aged 55 years or older were at a significantly higher risk of developing cirrhosis over 10 years (P=0.001). Thus, as expected, the overall HCC rate was significantly higher in patients aged 55 years or older. In patients who were cirrhotic, age did not influence the risk of developing HCC.

Our data also showed that patients with a baseline AFP of 4.1 µg/l or more have a significantly higher risk of developing HCC. This is an important finding because although an AFP level of 4.1 µg/l is within the normal range, a baseline AFP level of 4.1 µg/l or more has been shown in our study to carry a significant risk of developing HCC. We hope to explore whether we can combine the threshold values of the various baseline factors, including an AFP level of 4.1 µg/l or more, to predict the risk of developing HCC.

As most of the patients were started on antiviral treatment only after they developed cirrhosis, there was a huge imbalance in the number of patients with cirrhosis (and a higher risk of developing HCC) in the treatment compared with the nontreatment groups. Thus, it was not possible for us to conclude whether antiviral treatment had any impact on the rates of cirrhosis or HCC development. In addition, those who received antiviral treatment were started on treatment at various time points of their follow-up as lamivudine, entecavir, and tenofovir were available in our pharmacy only after 2004, 2006, and 2011, respectively. We could not implement a standardized protocol for hepatitis B treatment as the medications are costly and totally self-funded.

Similar to several other longitudinal studies, male sex was also found to be associated with an increased risk of HCC development both in cirrhotics and in the overall cohort 23,24. It, however, had no effect on the development of cirrhosis.

The strengths of our study are the relatively large sample size and the long duration of prospective follow-up. However, there are several limitations in this study. The diagnosis of liver cirrhosis should ideally be made by liver biopsy. However, in this clinical study, a clinical diagnosis of cirrhosis was made on the basis of imaging evidence with concomitant clinical evidence. Furthermore, many patients refused diagnostic liver biopsy in view of the risks associated with the invasive procedure. Being an academic tertiary institution, there could also have been a referral bias in this study cohort. Risk factors for HCC development such as family history, obesity, and smoking have not been adjusted for as these data were unfortunately not collected. Nonetheless, these limitations notwithstanding, the results of our study do provide additional data on cirrhosis and HCC in CHB patients in Singapore, a country that is endemic for hepatitis B with a relatively high prevalence of CHB infection. With potent antiviral agents such as entecavir and tenofovir showing ability to lower the incidence of HCC and reverse fibrosis and cirrhosis, these rates are expected to decrease in the coming years as the effects of antiviral therapy start to bear fruit 25–27.
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The rate of cirrhosis in HBV-infected patients in Singapore is about 1.6% per annum and the overall rate of development of HCC in HBV-infected patients in Singapore is about 0.8% per annum. The rate of development of HCC in patients with HBV cirrhosis in Singapore is about 3.0% per annum. Our rates of development of HCC justify HCC surveillance in our patients with CHB infection.
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作者: StephenW    时间: 2015-5-14 11:04



被确定的肝癌监控,包括6个月的监测血清AFP和腹部B超已经显示出在18 816例患者的一项大型随机对照试验,以减少肝癌相关死亡率由37%至15主题的患者肝癌监督的决定个体的风险为肝癌,这是相关的肝癌的在特定人群中的发病率。成本效益模型表明,干预被认为是具有成本效益的,如果它提供了以低于50美元的000成本每生命年节约16在Child-Pugh分级的成本效益研究的超过3个月的预期寿命收益一个慢性乙型肝炎肝硬化表明,每年或更大足以证明肝癌监控17.类似率1.5%的发病率肝癌也提出了HCV相关的肝硬化和阶段4原发性胆汁性肝硬化18. CHB患者是在肝癌的发展,甚至风险在没有肝硬化,各大公会如欧洲协会肝病研究(EASL)和美国协会肝病研究(AASLD)建议,对于肝癌监测疗效的门槛率应为每年0.2%在选择CHB人群,如年龄超过40岁的亚洲男性,年龄超过50岁,非洲/北美黑人,慢性乙型肝炎和肝癌患者18,19家族史的亚洲女性。肝癌的约0.1-0.4%,每年6,20西方人群中的发病率相比,我国肝癌的发展,每年0.8%的速度较高。我们的研究结果证明我们的慢性乙肝患者肝癌监视。

在我们的研究中,HCC率最高的一年肝硬化诊断之内被发现,因为7例肝癌肝硬化诊断的第一年。这7例,四是既肝癌和肝硬化的CT / MRI诊断相伴。因为肝癌诊断前不准确的谁被诊断为患有肝硬化2,5,其余三名患者,肝癌和8个月后最有可能错过。


传统上它认为,HBeAg阳性状态与HCC 21.我们的观察,缺乏对肝癌发展HBeAg状态效果的风险增加类似于香港的研究,袁报道了相似的结果22.在这项研究中及的820例患者的同事随访平均76.8个月,是在HCC患者之间的总风险谁呈阳性的HBeAg与阳性抗HBe(N = 464)相比,(N = 356)在没有差别演讲(P = 0.54)。出了356例,144行HBeAg血清学转换,但再次在这个分组与初始两组相比,肝癌发展的整体风险没有区别。

在我们的研究中,患者年龄55岁的年龄较大的人在发展为肝硬化10年以上(P = 0.001)的显著的风险较高。因此,如预期,整体HCC率显著高于患者年龄55岁以上。在谁是肝硬化患者,年龄不影响发展肝癌的风险。

我们的数据还显示,患者的4.1微克基线AFP / l或更多具有发展HCC的一个显著风险较高。这是一个重要的发现,因为尽管为4.1微克/升的AFP水平处于正常范围内,在4.1微克/升或更高的基线AFP水平已经在我们的研究中,以携带显影HCC的一个显著风险所示。我们希望探索是否我们可以结合的不同基线因子的阈值,包括4.1微克/升或更大的AFP水平,来预测发展HCC的风险。





作者: doremifaso    时间: 2015-5-14 14:54

2015年6月 - 27卷 - 第6 -P 638-643
DOI:10.1097 / MEG.0000000000000341

Poh, Zhongxiana; Goh, Boon-Bee Georgea; Chang, Pik-Eu Jasona,b; Tan, Chee-Kiata,b

b Duke-NUS医学院毕业,新加坡

通信方式:Chee-Kiat Tan,MBBS,FRCP(爱丁堡),胃肠及肝脏,新加坡中央医院,3级,学院路20号,新加坡169856,新加坡部电话:+65 63214684;传真:+65 62273623;电子邮件:[email protected]

这是根据知识共享署名 - 非商业性 - 禁止改作条款分布式许可4.0(CCBY-NC-ND)的开放式接入的文章,它是允许下载和共享的工作提供了适当引用。工作不能以任何方式被改变或用于商业用途。 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/




结果:总体来说,患者62.6%为男性,平均年龄56.4岁。在总样本数中,31%为乙型肝炎e抗原阳性和14.9%患者处于肝硬化的边缘。10年后有74例患者发生肝硬化和42例患者发展成肝癌。整个10年肝硬化和肝癌的发病率分别为16.2%(1.6%/年)和7.8%(0.8%/年)。肝硬化患者发生肝癌的概率为29.7%(3.0%/年),最高的一年肝硬化为7.9%。那些年龄超过55岁(P = 0.001)的患者肝硬化的概率明显更高。性别和乙肝e抗原状况并没有影响肝硬化的速度。使得HCC的发生概率明显增高的因素为年龄55岁以上(P = 0.001),男性(P = 0.001),和基线α胎蛋白4.1微克/升以上(P <0.0001)。然而,年龄55岁以上并不是肝硬化患者引发HCC的重要因素。


作者: 疯一点好    时间: 2015-5-14 17:59

我这两天都为我的AFP达到4ng/ml而担忧,没想到居然这篇论文直指这个问题,“HCC的发生概率明显增高的因素为年龄55岁以上(P = 0.001),男性(P = 0.001),和基线α胎蛋白4.1微克/升以上(P <0.0001)。然而,年龄55岁以上并不是肝硬化患者引发HCC的重要”,我的天。
作者: newchinabok    时间: 2015-5-14 18:58

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作者: 疯一点好    时间: 2015-5-14 19:02

我们的数据还显示,患者的4.1微克基线AFP / l或更多具有发展HCC的一个显著风险较高。这是一个重要的发现,因为尽管为4.1微克/升的AFP水平处于正常范围内,在4.1微克/升或更高的基线AFP水平已经在我们的研究中,以携带显影HCC的一个显著风险所示。我们希望探索是否我们可以结合的不同基线因子的阈值,包括4.1微克/升或更大的AFP水平,来预测发展HCC的风险。

作者: newchinabok    时间: 2015-5-14 19:29

本帖最后由 newchinabok 于 2015-5-14 19:30 编辑

作者: StephenW    时间: 2015-5-14 19:35

回复 疯一点好 的帖子

AFP是一个危险因素, 不是"高危险因素", 这个危险因素, 需要核实. 如其他危险因素.
作者: maintainljj    时间: 2015-5-14 22:01


作者: StephenW    时间: 2015-5-14 22:12

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A total of 190 (35.3%) patients were prescribed some form of antiviral treatment. Of these, seven received interferon therapy in combination with nucleos(t)ide analog or as monotherapy. The remaining 183 patients received nucleos(t)ide analog alone. The majority of the patients (88.7%) received antiviral treatment only after they developed cirrhosis. Entecavir was most commonly prescribed (45.4%), followed by lamivudine (40.4%). The 10-year cumulative rate of HCC development in patients on antiviral treatment was 5.4% (9/167).


作者: StephenW    时间: 2015-5-14 22:15

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作者: amy762173941    时间: 2015-5-14 23:46

作者: doremifaso    时间: 2015-5-15 07:06


包括6个月监测血清AFP和腹部B超的HCC监测实验显示,在针对816名患者的一项大型随机对照试验中,由HCC引发的死亡率降低了37%。判断一个病人是否进行HCC监测是由个人患HCC的风险确定的,这风险又与特定人群HCC的发病率相关。成本效益模型表明,一项行动如果能获得多于3个月的生命而每年的花费又不少于50000美元/年,那么这项行为就是合算的。一项针对儿童慢性乙肝肝硬化患者的研究表明, HCC的发病率1.5%每年或更多的概率将能为肝癌监测所控制。HCV肝硬化和第四阶段原发性胆汁性肝硬化也有类似的发病率。即使没有肝硬化,慢性乙肝患者依然存在HCC发病的风险,一些主要的协会组织如欧洲肝脏研究协会(EASL)和美国肝病研究协会(AASLD)认为HCC监测若要有效则在慢性乙肝患者中监测的阈值(指的是触发某种行为或者反应产生所需要的的最低值)发病率为0.2%,这些患者为亚洲男性年龄超过40岁,亚洲女性年龄超过50岁,非洲/北美黑人和具有肝癌家族史的病人。肝癌的发病率在西方每年约0.1 -0.4%,相比之下新加坡更高为0.8%每年,我们的研究结果表明HCC监测对于慢性乙肝患者的合理的。

在我们的研究中,HCC发病率最高的时候是肝硬化被诊断的第一年,因为在被诊断为肝硬化第一年的期间有7个患者被检测到HCC,而在这7个患者中又有4名患者通过CT / MRI检测被诊断为同时患有肝癌和肝硬化。由于在HCC检测之前的不准确性,导致另外三名患者在没有被诊断出HCC之后的2、5和8个月之后都检测出了肝硬化。


传统上认为,HBeAg的阳性状态与HCC的风险增加是相关的。我们的缺乏e抗原状态对肝癌发展的影响的研究与香港的一项研究报告结果是类似的。在那项研究中,袁和他的同事们对820例患者平均随访了76.8个月,呈阳性的HBeAg与阳性抗HBe(N = 464)的患者之间没有差别,其中356例患者组成的第三组中有144名患者实现了e抗原血清转换,而这一个组的成员的HCC发病风险与前面两组也没有区别。


我们的数据还显示,患者AFP 为4.1 µg/l或者更多也是HCC发病率风险显著变高的因素。从某种程度来说,这是一个重要的发现,因为尽管4.1微克/升的AFP水平处于正常范围内,但是在我们的研究中,4.1微克/升或更高的AFP基线水平将带来HCC的更高的发病风险。我们希望发现是否能够将不同基线因子的阈值相互结合,包括4.1微克/升或更高的AFP水平来预测HCC发展的风险。






作者: doremifaso    时间: 2015-5-15 07:11

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作者: doremifaso    时间: 2015-5-15 07:14

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作者: 42年才知道    时间: 2015-5-15 23:16

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作者: amy762173941    时间: 2015-5-16 00:31

42年才知道 发表于 2015-5-15 23:16
回复 doremifaso 的帖子

没看到HCC有多少是经过肝硬化阶段的,多少是没经过肝硬化阶段的数据。 ...

作者: jinpaimanman    时间: 2015-5-21 12:00

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作者: StephenW    时间: 2015-5-21 13:32

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在10年研究期间: 每年3%.

但在一个10年后: 每年没有必要是3%.是什么%,没有人知道.

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