
标题: 在乙型肝炎病毒( HBV)感染的先天免疫应答 [打印本页]

作者: StephenW    时间: 2014-2-11 08:01     标题: 在乙型肝炎病毒( HBV)感染的先天免疫应答

Innate immune responses in hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection

Aurelia Busca and Ashok Kumar   

1 Departments of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Ottawa, 451
Smyth Road, Ottawa, Ontario K1H 8M5, Canada
2 Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology, and Infectious Disease &
Vaccine Research Centre, Research Institute, Children’s Hospital of Eastern
Ontario, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Virology Journal 2014, 11:22  doi:10.1186/1743-422X-11-22
Published: 7 February 2014
Abstract (provisional)

Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection has a low rate of chronicity compared to HCV infection, but chronic liver inflammation can evolve to life threatening complications. Experimental data from HBV infected chimpanzees and HBV transgenic mice have indicated that cytotoxic T cells are the main cell type responsible for inhibition of viral replication, but also for hepatocyte lysis during chronic HBV infection. Their lower activation and impaired function in later stages of infection was suggested as a possible mechanism that allowed for low levels of viral replication. The lack of an interferon response in these models also indicated the importance of adaptive immunity in clearing the infection. Increased knowledge of the signalling pathways and pathogen associated molecular patterns that govern activation of innate immunity in the early stages of viral infections in general has led to a re-evaluation of the innate immune system in HBV infection. Numerous studies have shown that HBV employs active strategies to evade innate immune responses and induce immunosuppression. Some of the immune components targeted by HBV include dendritic cells, natural killer cells, T regulatory cells and signalling pathways of the interferon response. This review will present the current understanding of innate immunity in HBV infection and of the challenges associated with clearing of the HBV infection.

作者: StephenW    时间: 2014-2-11 08:02

在乙型肝炎病毒( HBV)感染的先天免疫应答


渥太华大学1系病理学和实验室医学, 451
史密斯路,渥太华,安大略省K1H 8M5 ,加拿大

病毒学杂志2014年, 11:22 DOI: 10.1186/1743-422X-11-22
发布时间: 2014年2月7日

乙型肝炎病毒( HBV)感染了慢性的低利率相比, HCV感染,但慢性肝脏炎症可发展为威胁生命的并发症。从HBV感染的黑猩猩和HBV转基因小鼠的实验数据表明,细胞毒性T细胞是负责抑制病毒复制的主要细胞类型,而且还用于在慢性HBV感染的肝细胞的裂解。其较低的活化和在感染的后期阶段功能受损被认为是,允许病毒复制水平低的一个可能机制。在这些模型中的干扰素应答的缺乏也表示在清除感染获得性免疫的重要性。的信号通路和相关联的病原体分子模式支配激活先天免疫中在一般的病毒感染的早期阶段的知识增加,导致先天免疫系统在HBV感染的重新评价。众多的研究表明, HBV采用积极的策略来逃避先天免疫反应,诱导免疫抑制。一些由乙肝病毒靶向免疫组分包括树突细胞,自然杀伤细胞,调节性T细胞与干扰素应答的信号转导途径。本次审查将呈现与HBV感染的清除相关的挑战和HBV感染先天免疫的当前理解。
作者: StephenW    时间: 2014-2-11 08:05

本帖最后由 StephenW 于 2014-2-11 08:08 编辑

作者: 17017196    时间: 2014-2-11 11:08

作者: rikk    时间: 2014-2-11 11:57


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