
标题: 新闻稿:病人医治你自己:解决治疗慢性感染可能在于病人的 [打印本页]

作者: StephenW    时间: 2013-12-27 09:59     标题: 新闻稿:病人医治你自己:解决治疗慢性感染可能在于病人的

Patient heal thyself: Solution to treatment for chronic infections could lie in patient's blood
by PressRelease • December 26, 2013 • 0 Comments

This discovery gives hope for a more effective and cheaper treatment strategy to millions worldwide suffering from chronic infections

1. A recent discovery by scientists at A*STAR’s Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences (SICS), in close collaboration with researchers at the Singapore Immunology Network (SIgN), provides hope for a new personalised treatment strategy that could use a patient’s own blood to treat the infection. This could help treat millions of people living with chronic infections such as HIV, Hepatitis B or Hepatitis C. These findings were published in the issue of The Journal of Clinical Investigation.

2. Patients suffering from chronic infections often have to undergo long periods of anti-viral drug therapy to control the virus. Anti-viral drugs are not fully effective against viruses such as Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C, which have chronically-infected about 400 million worldwide with more than 1,000,000 people dying from Hepatitis-related diseases every year.

3. Vaccines are a potentially effective means to treat chronic viral infections such as this because they can eliminate the virus naturally. However, vaccines for patients with chronic infections are often difficult to produce since these patients already have weak immune responses or the vaccine is not effective due to genetic diversity amongst viruses.

4. The team at SICS led by Prof Antonio Bertoletti has discovered that monocytes, a type of white blood cell that can activate an immune response, are able to capture the virus in chronically-infected patients and use the captured virus to boost the patient’s own immune response.

5. By using the viral antigen already present in the blood of the patient suffering from a chronic illness, this strategy redefines therapeutic vaccines by cutting down on time and resources as there is no need to specially isolate the viral proteins from patients, purify it, and then inactivate it to create a vaccine.

6. All the proteins present within the virus can be used to create a personalised vaccine for each individual. This also means that many of the complex issues associated with current vaccine therapy against chronic infections can be overcome, such as that of genetic diversity of viruses.

7. One of the greatest beneficiaries of this discovery would be chronically-infected patient populations in lower socio-economic strata. By tailoring vaccines to be more specific to each virus and each patient, vaccine production can be simplified and thus less costly. Vaccines produced via this discovery could improve the accessibility of such treatments.

8. Prof Bertoletti said, “Mobilizing the immune system to use the virus within the patient for a vaccine is a simple idea that could lead to a personalised, yet widely applicable, vaccine for chronic infections.”

9. Prof Judith Swain, Executive Director of SICS said, “This excellent collaborative discovery between SICS and SIgN is a milestone in vaccine therapy for chronic infections. I believe that these findings will go a long way in improving future therapeutic treatments for chronic infections.”

The research findings described in this media release can be found in the August 2013 online issue of The Journal of Clinical Investigation under the title, “Mobilizing monocytes to cross-present circulating viral antigen in chronic infection” by Adam J. Gehring1, Muzlifah Haniffa2,3, Patrick Kennedy4, Zi Zong Ho1, Carolina Boni5, Amanda Shin3, Nasirah Banu1, Adeline Chia1, Seng Gee Lim6, Carlo Ferrari5, Florent Ginhoux3, and Antonio Bertoletti1,7,8

1 Infection and Immunity Programme, Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences, Agency for Science Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore.
2 Institute of Cellular Medicine, Newcastle University, Newcastle, United Kingdom.
3 Singapore Immunology Network, Agency for Science Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore.
4 Center for Digestive Disease, Blizard Institute of Cell and Molecular Science, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, London, United Kingdom.
5 Unit of Infectious Diseases and Hepatology, Laboratory of Viral Immunopathology, Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Parma, Parma, Italy.
6 Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
7 Program Emerging Viral Diseases, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School, Singapore.
8 Department of Medicine, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singapore.


作者: StephenW    时间: 2013-12-27 10:00

通过PRESSRELEASE • 2013年12月26日• 0评论


1 。最近发现的科学家在A * STAR的新加坡临床科学研究所( SICS ) ,与研究人员在新加坡免疫学网络( SIGN )密切合作,提供了希望,可以使用患者自身的血液来治疗一种新的个性化的治疗策略感染。这可能有助于治疗数百万生活在这些研究结果发表在临床研究杂志发行慢性感染如HIV ,乙型肝炎或丙型肝炎的人。

2 。患慢性感染的痛苦往往要经过抗病毒药物疗法的长期控制病毒。抗病毒的药物不是针对病毒如乙型肝炎和丙型肝炎,其中有慢性感染者约400万世界各地有超过1,000,000人乙型肝炎相关的疾病,每年死于完全有效。

3 。疫苗可用于治疗慢性病毒感染,例如,因为它们可消除病毒自然潜在有效的手段。然而,疫苗的患者的慢性感染是常常难以生产,因为这些患者已经具有弱免疫应答或疫苗不是由于其中的病毒遗传多样性有效。

4 。该小组在SICS为首的教授安东尼奥贝托列提发现,单核细胞,一种白血细胞,能激活免疫应答,能够捕捉到该病毒在慢性感染的病人,并使用捕获的病毒,以提高患者自身的免疫反应。

5 。通过使用病毒抗原已存在于慢性疾病的患者痛苦的血液,这种策略重新定义治疗性疫苗通过在时间和资源的削减,因为没有必要特意从病人分离出的病毒蛋白,纯化,然后灭活它来创建一个疫苗。

6 。所有的病毒中存在的蛋白质,可用于创建一个个性化疫苗的每一个人。这也意味着,许多与针对慢性感染目前的疫苗治疗有关的复杂问题是可以克服的,例如病毒遗传多样性。

7 。这一个发现的最大的受益者将是在较低的社会经济阶层慢性感染的患者人群。通过定制疫苗更具体到每一种病毒和每一个病人,疫苗生产,可以简化并因此成本更低。通过这一发现生产的疫苗可以改善这种治疗的可及性。

8 。贝托列提教授说, “调动免疫系统,利用病毒在患者体内的疫苗是可能导致一个个性化的,但广泛应用,疫苗对慢性感染,一个简单的想法。 ”

9 。教授朱迪思·斯温, SICS的执行董事说, “ SICS并签署之间的这种优良的协作发现是在疫苗治疗慢性感染的一个里程碑。我认为,这些发现将大有改善未来的治疗治疗慢性感染。 “

本新闻稿中描述的研究成果可以在标题之下临床研究杂志的2013年8月网上发行中找到, “调动单核细胞交叉循环存在病毒抗原在慢性感染”由亚当· J. Gehring1 , Muzlifah Haniffa2 , 3 ,帕特里克Kennedy4 ,灾总HO1 ,卡罗来纳州Boni5 ,阿曼达Shin3 , Nasirah Banu1 ,艾德琳Chia1 ,生啧啧Lim6 ,卡罗Ferrari5 ,弗洛朗Ginhoux3 ,和安东尼奥Bertoletti1 , 7,8

1感染与免疫计划,新加坡临床科学研究所,机构科学技术研究局(A * STAR ) ,新加坡。
3新加坡免疫学网络,机构科学技术研究局(A * STAR ) ,新加坡。
5单位传染病和肝病,病毒性免疫病理学实验室,Azienda与Ospedaliero - Universitaria二帕尔马,帕尔马,意大利。
7程序新生病毒性疾病,杜克 - 新加坡国立大学医学研究生院,新加坡。

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作者: 走遍四方    时间: 2013-12-27 14:28

所以太极 瑜伽 修炼 能够自我清除.
作者: StephenW    时间: 2013-12-27 15:52

回复 走遍四方 的帖子


作者: StephenW    时间: 2013-12-27 16:02


作者: tonychant    时间: 2013-12-28 22:03

PatientHeal Thyself: Solution to Treatment for Chronic Infections Could Lie inPatient's Blood
Sep.23, 2013 — A recent discovery by scientists at A*STAR's Singapore Institute forClinical Sciences (SICS), in close collaboration with researchers at the SingaporeImmunology Network (SIgN), provides hope for a new personalised treatmentstrategy that could use a patient's own blood to treat the infection. Thiscould help treat millions of people living with chronic infections such as HIV,Hepatitis B or Hepatitis C. These findings were published in the August 2013issue of The Journal of Clinical Investigation.
Patientssuffering from chronic infections often have to undergo long periods ofanti-viral drug therapy to control the virus. Anti-viral drugs are not fullyeffective against viruses such as Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C, which havechronically-infected about 400 million worldwide with more than 1,000,000people dying from Hepatitis-related diseases every year.[1]
Vaccinesare a potentially effective means to treat chronic viral infections such asthis because they can eliminate the virus naturally. However, vaccines forpatients with chronic infections are often difficult to produce since thesepatients already have weak immune responses or the vaccine is not effective dueto genetic diversity amongst viruses.
Theteam at SICS led by Prof Antonio Bertoletti has discovered that monocytes, atype of white blood cell that can activate an immune response, are able tocapture the virus in chronically-infected patients and use the captured virusto boost the patient's own immune response.
Byusing the viral antigen already present in the blood of the patient sufferingfrom a chronic illness, this strategy redefines therapeutic vaccines by cuttingdown on time and resources as there is no need to specially isolate the viralproteins from patients, purify it, and then inactivate it to create a vaccine.
Allthe proteins present within the virus can be used to create a personalisedvaccine for each individual. This also means that many of the complex issuesassociated with current vaccine therapy against chronic infections can beovercome, such as that of genetic diversity of viruses.
Oneof the greatest beneficiaries of this discovery would be chronically-infectedpatient populations in lower socio-economic strata. By tailoring vaccines to bemore specific to each virus and each patient, vaccine production can besimplified and thus less costly. Vaccines produced via this discovery couldimprove the accessibility of such treatments.
ProfBertoletti said, "Mobilizing the immune system to use the virus within thepatient for a vaccine is a simple idea that could lead to a personalised, yetwidely applicable, vaccine for chronic infections."
ProfJudith Swain, Executive Director of SICS said, "This excellentcollaborative discovery between SICS and SIgN is a milestone in vaccine therapyfor chronic infections. I believe that these findings will go a long way inimproving future therapeutic treatments for chronic infections."

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