
标题: 箭头提交申请书开始ARC- 520阶段2a试验 [打印本页]

作者: StephenW    时间: 2013-11-26 03:12     标题: 箭头提交申请书开始ARC- 520阶段2a试验

Arrowhead Submits Application to Begin Phase 2a Trial of ARC-520 for the Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis B Infection

PASADENA, Calif. - November 25, 2013 - Arrowhead Research Corporation (NASDAQ: ARWR), a biopharmaceutical company developing targeted RNAi therapeutics, today announced that it recently filed an application for approval to begin a phase 2a clinical trial of its RNAi-based therapeutic candidate, ARC-520, for the potential treatment of chronic hepatitis B virus infection. Pending approval, Arrowhead intends to proceed with a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, dose-escalation study. The study is being conducted to determine the depth and duration of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) reduction after a single intravenous dose of ARC-520 in combination with entecavir in patients with chronic HBV infection. Additional details on study design and anticipated timelines will be provided when patient enrollment begins.

An application for a Certificate for Clinical Trial was submitted to the Hong Kong Department of Health, and the study protocol, investigator brochure, and informed consent were submitted to the ethics committees at two sites in Hong Kong. Hong Kong was chosen as the location for the study based on the high prevalence of chronic HBV infection and for the advanced healthcare and regulatory system, which has a history of successful participation in clinical trials for antiviral agents.

Principal investigators Professor Man-Fung Yuen, Chief of Gastroenterology and Hepatology at The University of Hong Kong, Queen Mary Hospital, and Professor Henry LY Chan, Head of Gastroenterology and Hepatology at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Prince of Wales Hospital, will conduct the study. These investigators and sites were selected based on their large pool of patients currently under care, their international standing as HBV researchers, and track record of high accrual rates for clinical trials involving viral hepatitis.

About ARC-520

Approximately 350 million people worldwide are chronically infected with the hepatitis B virus. Chronic HBV infection can lead to cirrhosis of the liver and is responsible for 80% of primary liver cancers globally. Arrowhead's RNAi-based candidate ARC-520 is designed to treat chronic HBV infection by reducing the expression and release of new viral particles and key viral proteins. The goal is to achieve a functional cure, which is an immune clearant state characterized by hepatitis B s-antigen negative serum with or without sero-conversion. The siRNAs in ARC-520 intervene at the mRNA level, upstream of where nucleotide and nucleoside analogues act. In transient and transgenic mouse models of HBV infection, a single co-injection of Arrowhead's DPC delivery vehicle with cholesterol-conjugated siRNA targeting HBV sequences resulted in multi-log knockdown of HBV RNA, proteins and viral DNA with long duration of effect. In a chimpanzee chronically infected with HBV and high viremia and antigenemia, ARC-520 induced rapid reductions of 90-95% in HBV DNA, e-antigen, and s-antigen. Arrowhead has completed enrollment in a phase 1 single ascending dose study in normal volunteers, which the company expects to follow with a phase 2a study in chronic HBV patients.

About Arrowhead Research Corporation

Arrowhead Research Corporation is a biopharmaceutical company developing targeted RNAi therapeutics. The company is leveraging its proprietary drug delivery technologies to develop targeted drugs based on the RNA interference mechanism that efficiently silence disease-causing genes. Arrowhead technologies also enable partners to create peptide-drug conjugates that specifically home to cell types of interest while sparing off-target tissues. Arrowhead's pipeline includes clinical programs in chronic hepatitis B virus and obesity and partner-based programs in oncology.

For more information please visit http://www.arrowheadresearch.com, or follow us on Twitter @ArrowRes. To be added to the Company's email list to receive news directly, please send an email to [email protected]

作者: StephenW    时间: 2013-11-26 03:13

箭头提交已应用到开始ARC- 520阶段2a试验为慢性乙型肝炎病毒感染的治疗

帕萨迪纳,加利福尼亚州 - 2013年11月25日 - 箭头研究公司(纳斯达克股票代码: ARWR ) ,一家生物制药公司,开发有针对性的RNAi治疗,今天宣布,它最近提出有关申请后,开始其基于RNAi的治疗一个阶段2a临床试验候选人, ARC- 520 ,用于治疗慢性乙肝病毒感染的潜在治疗。待审批,箭头拟进行的多中心,随机,双盲,安慰剂对照,剂量递增研究。这项研究正在开展,以确定乙肝表面抗原单次静脉剂量的ARC - 520与联合恩替卡韦治疗慢性乙肝病毒感染后( HBsAg)的降低的深度和持续时间。当病人登记开始研究设计和预期时间表的更多详细信息将被提供。



关于ARC -520
全球约有3.5亿人感染慢性B型肝炎病毒。慢性HBV感染可导致肝硬化,负责80 %的全球原发性肝癌。箭头的RNAi为基础的候选ARC- 520旨在通过减少新病毒颗粒和病毒的关键蛋白质的表达和释放治疗慢性HBV感染。我们的目标是实现一个功能的固化,这是其特征在于, B型肝炎表面抗原阴性血清有或无血清转换的免疫clearant状态。在ARC- 520的siRNA的干预在mRNA水平,其中的核苷酸和核苷类似物充当上游。在HBV感染中,单个共同注入箭头的DPC递送载体的胆固醇缀合的siRNA靶向的瞬态和转基因小鼠模型的HBV序列导致了HBV RNA,蛋白质和病毒DNA带的效果持续时间长的多记录击倒。在黑猩猩慢性乙型肝炎病毒感染和高病毒血症和抗原, ARC- 520诱导的90-95 %的速度快速降低HBV-DNA , e抗原和表面抗原。慈姑已完成招生第一阶段的单剂量递增研究中正常的志愿者,该公司预计跟随在慢性HBV患者相2a研究。



作者: 候月    时间: 2013-11-26 13:03

作者: StephenW    时间: 2013-11-26 14:06

本帖最后由 StephenW 于 2013-11-26 14:07 编辑

回复 候月 的帖子


两位教授, 特别是教授 Henry 陈,非常有名,非常有经验进行临床研究和临床试验.
作者: wsl105    时间: 2013-11-26 14:32

作者: hunterpt    时间: 2013-11-26 15:43

作者: StephenW    时间: 2013-11-26 15:47

本帖最后由 StephenW 于 2013-11-26 15:54 编辑

Some gossip:

A few days ago, a member (under Viread treatment) of the American Hepatitis B forum wrote:

"My liver doctor is Dr. Ira Jacobson of New York. I saw him last month, and
he said that with some immune system boosters that are in the pipeline,
that he thinks he can totally cure me within 2 or 3 years"

Dr Ira Jacobson is a well known liver specialists. We don't know what the "immune boosters" are, we can speculate ?:
1. ARC520
2. GS9620
3. GS4774

We are all hopeful.




1。 ARC520
2。 GS9620
3。 GS4774


作者: 疯一点好    时间: 2013-11-26 16:20

作者: 齐欢畅2    时间: 2013-11-26 20:09

作者: 咬牙硬挺    时间: 2013-11-26 20:49

作者: StephenW    时间: 2013-11-26 20:56

本帖最后由 StephenW 于 2013-11-26 20:56 编辑
咬牙硬挺 发表于 2013-11-26 20:49

也许,箭头筹集了6000万美元资金 (从股市).
作者: 相信医学    时间: 2013-11-26 22:10

作者: boom413    时间: 2013-11-30 19:49

作者: 相信医学    时间: 2013-11-30 19:59

作者: 齐欢畅2    时间: 2013-11-30 23:21

作者: StephenW    时间: 2013-12-1 10:31

本帖最后由 StephenW 于 2013-12-1 11:05 编辑

Result: DPC delivery结果:DPC传递
Ligand mediated targeting of DPCs to Hepatocytes in Liver配体介导的DPCs靶向肝细胞
红色 - siRNA

蓝色 - 细胞核
绿色 - 细胞膜
图A - NAG配体
图B - 葡萄糖配体

作者: StephenW    时间: 2013-12-1 11:08

ARC-520 Results

In animal models of HBV infection, a single co-injection of the DPC delivery vehicle with cholesterol-conjugated siRNA targeting HBV sequences resulted in multi-log knockdown of HBV RNA, proteins and viral DNA with long duration of effect.
Treatment in mouse model of HBV infection
Treatment with ARC-520 in a non-transgenic mouse model for HBV infection resulted in strong reduction of serum viral markers, notably the following:
Decreased S-Antigen
  • 3-4 log reduction with the most potent chol-siHBVs
  • Greater than 2 log reduction for one month
Decreased viral DNA
  • Approximately 3 log reduction of HBV DNA for one month
Decreased E-Antigen
  • Knockdown to limit of detection for at least one month

在HBV感染,单个共注射与胆固醇偶联的靶的siRNA的DPC递送载体的动物模型中的HBV序列导致了HBV RNA,蛋白质和病毒DNA带的效果持续时间长的多记录击倒。




    3-4数减少最有力哲 -  siHBVs


    HBV DNA的约3为一个月log减少



作者: StephenW    时间: 2013-12-1 11:10

Treatment in an HBV-infected Chimpanzee
A low dose of ARC-520 induced rapid and deep reductions in viral particles and key viral antigens in a chimpanzee chronically infected with hepatitis B virus. The treatment was well-tolerated and led to a 95% reduction in circulating viral DNA, and approximately 90% reductions in hepatitis e-antigen (HBeAg) and s-antigen (HBsAg). The chimp being treated had exceptionally high titers of circulating HBV DNA and HBsAg that measured 1,000 to 10,000-fold higher than the average chronic hepatitis B patient. The HBV infection has been chronic for over thirty years and has persisted despite prior therapy with multiple anti-viral drugs and therapeutic vaccine exposures. Notably, these results were achieved despite a mismatch in sequence between the viral DNA and one of the siRNAs included in ARC-520.


的ARC-520诱导快速和大幅度削减病毒颗粒和关键病毒抗原在黑猩猩低剂量感染慢性B型肝炎病毒。治疗耐受性良好,并导致在循环的病毒DNA减少95%,约90%的减少,肝炎E-抗原(HBeAg)和s-抗原(HBsAg)。正在接受治疗的黑猩猩有循环HBV DNA和乙肝表面抗原的异常高滴度的测定1000〜10000倍比一般的慢性乙型肝炎患者高。在HBV感染已慢性超过三十年,并一直坚持,尽管之前的治疗有多种抗病毒的药物和治疗性疫苗的风险。值得注意的是,这些结果均达到尽管在序列的病毒DNA和siRNA的1之间的不匹配包括在ARC-520。

作者: StephenW    时间: 2013-12-1 11:14

本帖最后由 StephenW 于 2013-12-1 11:14 编辑

为什么HBsAg的下降(图3)不是一样迅速,相比 HBVDNA下降(图1)或e抗原下降(图2)?
作者: StephenW    时间: 2013-12-1 15:12

灰色区域 - ALT
蓝线 - 乙肝表面抗原
X axis - 日
the data demonstrate that intravenous administration of two doses (2 mg/kg, 3 mg/kg) of ARC-520 in a chimpanzee chronically infected with HBV, resulted in substantial and sustained reductions in HBV DNA, HBeAg, and HBsAg, which did not return to baseline until study day 43, 43, and 71 respectively. In addition, an increase in serum alanine transaminase (ALT) occurred 4 weeks after the last dose, coincident with the nadir of circulating HBsAg. This is suggestive of a therapeutic immunological flare, which is thought to be part of a cascade that under chronic therapy may lead to HBsAg seroconversion and functional cure. Robert E. Lanford, Ph.D., of the Texas Biomedical Research Institute where the study was conducted, presented these data and the poster was selected as a Presidential Poster of Distinction indicating that it was in the top 10% of all abstracts selected for poster presentation.

“This study would have been important if ARC-520 just demonstrated safe and effective HBsAg reduction because this is thought to be a necessary step in achieving a functional cure,” said Dr. Lanford. “What is really exciting about these data, however, is that we appear to have seen immune de-repression, the next step toward HBsAg seroconversion and functional cure. The timing of the ALT rise and associated increases in key chemokine/cytokine mRNAs suggest that they were related to the therapy-induced reduction in circulating HBsAg and represented an immunological event.”
该数据表明的ARC- 520两种剂量( 2毫克/公斤, 3毫克/公斤)的黑猩猩慢性HBV感染的静脉给药,导致大量和持续降低HBV DNA和HBeAg ,与HBsAg ,哪些没有回到基线,直到分别研究一天43 , 43 ,和71 。此外,增加血清丙氨酸转氨酶( ALT )发生后4周的最后一剂,暗合循环HBsAg的最低点。这是暗示治疗免疫耀斑,这被认为是,在长期治疗可能导致HBsAg血清学转换和功能治愈级联的一部分。罗伯特·E·兰福德德州生物医学研究所在那里进行的研究,博士,发表上述研究资料和海报被选为优异的总统海报,表明它是在选定的所有论文摘要的前10%海报介绍。

“这项研究将是重要的,如果ARC- 520只是证明安全有效的乙肝表面抗原减少,因为这被认为是在实现一个功能治愈的必要步骤, ”兰福德博士说。 “什么是真正令人兴奋的关于这些数据,但是,我们似乎已经看到免疫力去压制,对HBsAg血清学转换和功能治愈下一步。的ALT升高和时间的关键趋化因子/细胞因子mRNA的增加相关联表明,它们均与循环中的乙肝表面抗原治疗引起的减少和代表的免疫活动。 “

作者: 齐欢畅2    时间: 2013-12-1 15:20

作者: 齐欢畅2    时间: 2013-12-1 15:28

作者: StephenW    时间: 2013-12-1 16:17

本帖最后由 StephenW 于 2013-12-1 16:18 编辑

回复 齐欢畅2 的帖子


3. 临床试验包括恩替卡韦,我们还需要干扰素吗?
作者: 齐欢畅2    时间: 2013-12-1 19:25

作者: 布隆方丹    时间: 2013-12-1 20:27

作者: StephenW    时间: 2013-12-1 21:51

回复 齐欢畅2 的帖子

博客德克 - 他的解释:

有可能,但我不同意, 但有意思.

作者: StephenW    时间: 2013-12-1 22:01

本帖最后由 StephenW 于 2013-12-1 22:02 编辑

回复 布隆方丹 的帖子


最新的消息是: 将进行REP9AC'的小型临床试验,添加免疫刺激剂和抗病毒(恩替卡韦或者(博路定)或替诺福韦(Viread的),2014年.

目前,没有ARC520人类功效的数据 - 所以香港临床试验很大的期望.
作者: 齐欢畅2    时间: 2013-12-1 23:26

作者: lg85441219    时间: 2013-12-2 11:07

....... 期待,期待,还是期待,相信人类的智慧。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。
作者: 一路抵御    时间: 2013-12-23 19:34

作者: 走遍四方    时间: 2013-12-24 12:28

本帖最后由 走遍四方 于 2013-12-24 12:33 编辑

回复 StephenW 的帖子

真的吗。。immune booster加这个520? 这么有信心。
happy new year..

作者: StephenW    时间: 2013-12-24 12:37

回复 走遍四方 的帖子

Good to hear from you!
ARC520干扰HBsAg的生产,从而降低血清HBsAg,从而增强免疫应答(we hope).
Happy Festive Season.

作者: hchu    时间: 2015-10-1 15:39


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