
标题: AASLD 2013:2年恩替卡对肝纤维化Fibroscan,FibroTest-ACtiTest活动影响 [打印本页]

作者: StephenW    时间: 2013-10-10 17:51     标题: AASLD 2013:2年恩替卡对肝纤维化Fibroscan,FibroTest-ACtiTest活动影响

TITLE: 2-years impact of entecavir (ETV) on liver fibrosis and activity as assessed by the non-invasive methods of FibroTest-ActiTest (FT-AT) and liver stiffnesse measurements (LSM) by Fibroscan in patients with chronic hepatitis B (CHB)
AUTHORS (FIRST NAME, LAST NAME): Fabien Zoulim1, Xavier Causse2, Vincent Leroy3, Denis Ouzan4, Nathalie Ganne-Carrie5, Valerie Bourcier5, Victor de Ledinghen6, Philippe Mathurin7, Marika Rudler8, Joseph Moussalli8, Dominique Thabut8, Luminita Bonyhay8, Vlad Ratziu8, Fabienne Drane9, Yen Ngo9, Mona Munteanu 9, Thierry Poynard8
Institutional Author(s): ENTEFIB Study Group
INSTITUTIONS (ALL): 1. Hepato-Gastroenterology, Hospices Civiles de Lyon, Lyon, France.
2. Hepato-Gastroenterology, CHR Orleans La Source, Orleans, France.
3. Hepato-Gastroenterology, CHU Grenoble, Grenoble, France.
4. Hepato-Gastroenterology, Institut Arnaud Tzanck, Saint Laurent du Var, France.
5. Hepato-Gastroenterology, CH Jean Verdier, Bondy, France.
6. Hepato-Gastroenterology, CH Haut Leveque, Bordeaux, France.
7. Hepato-Gastroenterology, CHU Lille, Lille, France.
8. Hepato-Gastroenterology, APHP UPMC Liver Center, Paris, France.
9. Hepatology Research Unit, BioPredictive, Paris, France.
ABSTRACT BODY: Background.Fibrosis-regression rate in treated chronic hepatitis B (CHB) patients was similar using Fibrotest (Biopredictive) or liver biopsy, while for liver stiffness measurements (LSM) by Fibroscan(Echosens) there was a possible overestimation related to necroinflammatory activity (NIA)(AVT 2010). Aim.To prospectively evaluate the histological impact of a strong inhibitor of HBV-replication, entecavir motherapy at 0.5mg per day, using non-invasive methods, i.e. FibroMax (including Fibrotest, Actitest, Steatotest for estimating fibrosis, activity and steatosis) and LSM. Methods. 133-CHB monoinfected, NUC-naive patients were pre-included in 19 centers in France. Data was recorded at baseline(M0), six, and 12-months(M6,M12): viral load, Fibromax [panel of scores (0-1)] and LSM(0-75kPa). Applicability(App) was defined as after exclusion of unreliable LSM and failures. Viral response (VR) was defined as undetectable HBVDNA. Statistics included repeated measures AVOVA (Bonferroni Multiple-Comparison Tests). Results. 116patients were included [5 lost of follow-up, 9 missing, 3 non-App Fibrotest (acute flare-up ALT>600IU/L)]. Characteristics were: age 44(19-82)yrs; 72%males; 70% anti-HBe(+); 46%
Caucasian; 2.6% alcohol>20g/day; median viral load=4.6 logIU/ml; App-LSM 81%(55/68). 31%(N=36) had advanced fibrosis (AF, F2F3F4-METAVIR) and 11%(N=12) cirrhosis as per Fibrotest; 46%(N=53) significant NIA (A1A2A3-METAVIR) as per Actitest; 26%(N=21) had M0 steatosis>1% as per Steatotest. 88 patients achieved M6, 61 M12 with 64% M6-VR and 84% M12-VR. Significant NIA as per ActiTest regressed from M0 0.58(0.03) to M6 0.27(0.03,P< 0.0001) and M12 0.27(0.03,P< 0.0001 vsM0). The same was true for AF as per FibroTest: M0 0.67(0.02) vs M6 0.56(0.02,P=0.0001) and M12 0.54(0.02,P=0.002 vsM0). Among AF-patients without M6 fibrosis-regression, 43% had baseline steatosis>5% as per Steatotest compared to 0% (p=0.04) in AF-patients that regressed fibrosis. As per AF App-LSM no regression was observed vs M0 at M6[8.5(1)vs10.1(1)kPa, P=0.28] but at M12 [6.3(0.4)kPa,P=0.009 vs M0)]. M6 regressions of significant NIA and AF as per Actitest and Fibrotest were observed regardless the VR (vs non-VR) 32% vs 48%(p=0.30) and 38% vs 50% (p=0.74), respectively. Conclusion. After six and twelve months of entecavir treatment, advanced fibrosis and activity as presumed by Fibrotest-Actitest were significantly reduced, regardless of the viral response. F Fibrosis regression as per liver stiffness measurement was observed only after twelve-month treatment. Patients without fibrosis-regression after 6-months treatment had more baseline steatosis.

作者: StephenW    时间: 2013-10-10 17:51

治疗慢性乙型肝炎( CHB )患者的回归Background.Fibrosis率是相似FibroTest的( Biopredictive )或肝活检,而Fibroscan的肝脏硬度测量(LSM) ( Echosens )与坏死性炎症有可能是高估活动( NIA ) 2010年( AVT ) 。 Aim.To组织影响HBV复制的强抑制剂,恩替卡韦motherapy的前瞻性评估,使用非侵入性的方法,即在每天0.5mg的FibroMax (包括FibroTest的Actitest , Steatotest估计纤维化,活动和脂肪变性)和LSM 。方法。 133 CHB monoinfected的, NUC-天真患者预先包含在19个中心在法国。数据被记录在基线( M0 ) ,六,和12个月( M6 , M12 ) :病毒载量, Fibromax [面板的分数(0-1) ]和LSM ( 0 - 75kPa ) 。实用性(应用程序)被定义为不可靠的LSM和故障排除后。被定义为HBVDNA检测不到病毒反应( VR ) 。统计包括重复测量AVOVA (邦费罗尼多对比测试) 。的结果。 116patients [5失去随访, 9人失踪, 3个非应用FibroTest的(急性爆发ALT > 600IU / L) ] 。特点: 44岁( 19-82 )岁, 72 %为男性,70%抗-HBe ( + ) ,46%
白人2.6 %的酒精> 20g/day的病毒载量中位数= 4.6 logIU /毫升; App - LSM的81 % (55/ 68 ) 。 31%( N = 36 )有先进的纤维化( AF , F2F3F4 METAVIR ) , 11 %( N = 12 )每FibroTest的肝硬化,46% (N = 53 )显着的NIA ( A1A2A3 METAVIR )为每Actitest ; 26% ( N = 21 ) M0脂肪肝> 1 %为每Steatotest 。 88例达到64 % M6- VR和84 % M12 -VR的M6 , 61 M12 。每ActiTest回归显著NIA从M0的0.58 (0.03) M6 0.27 ( 0.03 ,P <0.0001)和M12 0.27( 0.03 ,P <0.0001 vsM0 ) 。同样是真实的AF每FibroTest的: M0 0.67 (0.02)与M6 0.56 ( 0.02,P = 0.0001)和M12 0.54 ( 0.02,P = 0.002 vsM0 ) 。其中房颤患者中,43% ,没有M6纤维化回归基线脂肪肝> 5% 0%( P = 0.04 )在AF-回归纤维化的患者相比,每Steatotest 。每AF APP- LSM没有回归观察与M0 , M6 [8.5 (1) vs10.1千帕( 1) ,P = 0.28 ] ,但在M12 [6.3千帕(0.4) ,P = 0.009与M0 ) ]。无论与非VR (VR )32%与48%( P = 0.30)和38 %比50% (P = 0.74) ,分别观察每Actitest FibroTest的M6回归显著NIA和AF 。结论。恩替卡韦治疗6个月和12个月后,先进如由FibroTest的Actitest的推测纤维化和活动明显减少,不管病毒反应。 F纤维化回归肝脏硬度测量每12个月的治疗后,才观察到。治疗6个月后,患者无纤维化回归有更多的基线脂肪肝。

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