When is it appropriate to use medical tests?
Many employers routinely use pre-employment medical tests as part of their selection process. These tests can be a useful component of the selection process for jobs that require certain physical or mental attributes.
Physical tests are relevant to jobs involving physical activity. It is less likely that sedentary jobs will require physical attributes that would justify medical testing.
Where it is necessary to test for specific attributes it is best to only test people who meet all the other requirements of the job. This is not a legal requirement but it is more cost effective and protects employers from allegations of discrimination on the ground of disability.
For jobs with legitimate physical requirements it may be useful to establish regular medical testing of employees to ensure they continue to meet the requirements and are not at risk of injury. It is important that all employees in this type of job are tested and that age is not a factor in determining who is tested.
It is vital that a pre-employment medical test relates exclusively and directly to the particular duties of the job and does not discriminate against people with disabilities. Employers could be liable for discrimination if they misuse pre-employment medical tests.
Some other examples of misuse of medical information that could make employers liable for discrimination include:
using medical information about applicants as part of the pre-interview culling process
asking applicants questions at interview about past injuries such as, back injuries and repetitive strain injury or previous workers' compensation claims as part of the selection process.
An employer also could be liable under privacy laws if they disclose results of a medical test to others eg. other employees. 当是适当使用医疗测试吗?