
标题: [news] Russian company invests in Myrcludex [打印本页]

作者: StephenW    时间: 2012-3-20 06:22     标题: [news] Russian company invests in Myrcludex

本帖最后由 StephenW 于 2012-3-20 06:23 编辑

Maxwell Biotech Venture Fund, founded with participation of Russian Venture Company, invests in hepatitis B/D clinical program                                                                         03/19/2012            
Co-Invests with Germany’s Public/Private High-Tech Grunderfonds, one of Europe’s Top Venture Funds.
Maxwell Biotech Venture Fund (MBVF), founded with the participation of the Russian Government’s Russian Venture Company, announced today its first investment involving the High-Tech Grunderfonds (HTGF), one of Europe’s largest venture funds. MBVF’s investment committee approved the terms and the amount of an investment in a newly formed Russian biotech company, Hepatera, and a concurrent investment in theGerman biotech company MYR GmbH ("MYR"), a portfolio company of HTGF. Hepatera is going to use the funding to co-develop its first drug candidate, Myrcludex B, aimed at the treatment of chronic viral hepatitis B and D, in close partnership with MYR.
"Hepatera", LLC is a private Russian biotech company, that was founded in September 2011 and became a resident of the Biomedical Cluster at Skolkovo Innovation Center in December 2011. The company’s main goal is to develop and bring to the market innovative drugs for the prevention and treatment of liver diseases.
Dmitri Popov, managing partner at Maxwell Biotech Venture Fund: "Investing in Hepatera is not only a successful complement to the existing project portfolio of the fund, addressing one of the most serious medical and social problems, but also our first experience of investing alongside High Tech Grunderfonds. This is Germany’s pre-eminent public/private high tech fund, and we are pleased to be associated with one of Europe’s largest venture funds that was listed as one of the world’s TOP-15 venture funds, based on total investments in biomed projects in 2011."
Yan Ryazantsev, Director of Investment and Expertise Department with Russian Venture Company: "Attracting the participation of the global venture capital market into Russia, promoting abroad the products and services of Russian venture industry participants and innovative companies, as well as forming a sustainable positive attitude in foreign markets towards Russian innovation companies - these are the three components of success for Russia’s venture business on a global scale. And we are very pleased with the fact that the investment in Hepatera will help meet them."
Bernd Goergen, Senior Investment Manager of the High-Tech Gruenderfonds adds: "We are extremely excited about our first investment together with Russian venture capitalists. Throughout the whole process we experienced an extraordinarily high level of sector competence, professionalism and fairness from Maxwell Biotech. The resulting mutual trust will form the basis for developing together not only a sustainable business with a highly innovative hepatitis drug, but also paves the way for additional fruitful collaborations."
The company located in Burgwedel near Hannover was founded in 2010 and holds the worldwide exclusive product rights for Myrcludex B. Currently, the company is focused on the coordination of a network of academic partners and vendors involved in Myrcludex's development. Dr. Alexander Alexandrov, MYR CSO, commented: "We have brought this landscape-changing approach through Phase 1 clinical testing and are excited about the collaboration with Hepatera, enabling the initiation of a proof of concept trial within a few months".
High-Tech Grunderfonds invests in young, high potential high-tech start-ups. The seed financing provided is designed to enable start-ups to take an idea through prototyping and to market launch. Typically, High Tech Grunderfonds invests EUR 500,000 in the seed stage, with the potential for up to a total of EUR 2m per portfolio company in follow-on financing. Investors in this public/private partnership include the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology, the KfW Banking Group, as well as thirteen industrial groups of ALTANA, BASF, B. Braun, Robert Bosch, CEWE Color, Daimler, Deutsche Post DHL, Deutsche Telekom, Evonik, Qiagen, RWE Innogy, Tengelmann and Carl Zeiss. High-Tech Grunderfonds has about EUR 563 mln under management in two funds (EUR 272 mln EUR HTGF I, EUR 291 mln HTGF II).
Maxwell Biotech Venture Fund (MBVF) formed with the participation of Russian Venture Company provides investment capital and access to an established infrastructure for conducting high-quality clinical trials in Russia, and helps enable the rapid and cost-effective achievement of clinical objectives. The fund’s unique business model can add value to our partners’ pipelines and provide a commercialization path to one of the most lucrative emerging markets. MBVF relies on an experienced international team of managers and financial and industry experts and has offices in Moscow and Boston. MBVF is investing in product development companies specializing in specific therapeutic areas or medical devices categories. To date, MBVF has invested in OncoMax (oncology), NeuroMax (CNS), MetaMax (oncology & metabolic diseases), Infectex (infectious diseases), CardioNova (cardiovascular diseases), Hepatera (liver diseases) and Photonics (novel lasers for medicine and dentistry). Products in these companies originated either from Russian scientists or were licensed from international biopharma companies. / Russian Venture Company

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作者: StephenW    时间: 2012-3-20 06:23

麦克斯韦生物技术风险投资基金,参与与俄罗斯的合资公司成立后,投资于B / D型肝炎的临床计划



麦克斯韦生物技术风险投资基金(MBVF),与俄政府的俄罗斯风险投资公司参与创办,今天宣布其第一笔投资,涉及高新技术Grunderfonds(HTGF),欧洲最大的风险投资基金之一。 MBVF的投资委员会批准的条款和投资一家新成立的俄罗斯生物技术公司,Hepatera,在theGerman生物技术公司马币有限公司(“马币”),投资组合公司的HTGF并发投资金额。 hepatera将要使用的资金,第一候选药物,Myrcludex乙,目的是在治疗慢性乙型病毒性肝炎和D马币密切的伙伴关系,共同开发。



与俄罗斯的合资公司:“吸引全球风险资本市场的进入俄罗斯的参与,促进国外的俄罗斯风险投资行业的参与者和创新型企业的产品和服务,以及形成一个可持续发展的积极态度,投资和专业部主任燕Ryazantsev在国外市场对俄罗斯的创新公司 - 这是俄罗斯的合资企业的成功在全球范围内的三个组成部分,我们非常高兴与事实在Hepatera投资将有助于满足他们。“。


在位于汉诺威附近的Burgwedel公司始建于2010年,并拥有独家产品的权利,全球Myrcludex B。目前,该公司专注于网络学术合作伙伴和供应商在参与Myrcludex的发展协调。马币的CSO,亚历山大·亚历山德罗夫,博士评论说:“我们带来了景观变化的方法,通过第一期临床试验,是兴奋与Hepatera合作,使概念证明试验的开始,在短短几个月内”。

高新技术Grunderfonds投资于年轻,高潜力的高科技创业起坐。提供的种子资金,旨在使初创通过原型设计和推出市场的想法。通常情况下,投资高科技Grunderfonds的欧元在种子阶段,50万,后续融资到欧元2米每家投资组合公司的总的最多的潜力。在这个公共/私营部门伙伴关系的投资者,包括联邦经济和技术,复兴信贷银行集团,以及13个工业集团阿尔塔纳,巴斯夫,贝朗,罗伯特·博世,就业平委会颜色,戴姆勒,德国邮政DHL,德国电信部,赢创,Qiagen公司,RWE Innogy公司,Tengelmann和卡尔蔡司。高新技术Grunderfonds有两个基金管理下的563亿欧元(272亿欧元欧元HTGF我,291亿欧元HTGF二)。

麦克斯韦生物技术风险投资基金(MBVF)与俄罗斯的合资公司的参与下所形成的资本投资和建立基础设施为高品质的临床试验在俄罗斯进行的访问,有助于临床目标的快速和具有成本效益的实现。基金的独特的商业模式可以增加价值,我们的合作伙伴的管道,并提供商业化的道路,最有利可图的新兴市场之一。 MBVF依赖于一个有经验的管理人员和金融和行业专家的国际团队,并在莫斯科和波士顿均设有办事处。 MBVF投资在特定治疗领域或类别的医疗器械专业公司在产品开发。迄今为止,已投资MBVF,NeuroMax(CNS)的OncoMax(肿瘤),METAMAX(肿瘤及代谢性疾病),Infectex(传染病),CardioNova(心血管疾病),Hepatera(肝病)和光电(新型激光医学和牙科)。在这些公司的产品起源来自俄罗斯的科学家或许可从国际生物制药公司。 /俄罗斯的合资公司

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