Thoese 保肝护肝的药 are useless, they only mask the damage of you liver. 一两年就发一次, your liver has always been damaged, that is the reason you are now: 纤维化
If you have never used antiviral before, I would suggest 恩替 (tenoforvir is as good as 恩替, but it is not abailable in China, now). In my opinion, you should not even consider 拉米. Because 拉米 has 70% (5 years drug resistance). If you are 拉米 resistance, it is even harder to manage your hbv. Please read the following post.
You should CONSULT you doctor and work together with him to select your treatment.
You should find more English hbv information and some English professional journal paper and study them.
Your doctor is not good. Change your doctor.
Remeber, you have already messed up with your liver for a long time (12岁左右感染上的,21岁第一次发病住院). You should consider drug resistance seriously. if you are about to do antiviral, REPEAT, DO NOT START ON 拉米.