The velocity of HCV subtype 6a transmission in southwest China HONG Guo-hu, TAN Zhao-xia, GUO Yan, MAO Qing. PLA Institute of Infectious Diseases, Southwest Hospital, the Third Military Medical University, Chongqing 400038, China
Corresponding author: MAO Qing, Email: [email protected]
【Abstract】 Objective: To estimate the velocity of HCV subtype 6a transmission in Southwest China. Methods The HCV CE1 region from 61 patients infected with HCV genotype 6 were amplificated by RT-PCR and sequenced. The subtypes were identified, and the period of HCV 6a strains originated in southwest china was estimated by using molecular clock phylogenetic analysis. The velocity of HCV subtype 6a transmission in southwest China was estimated by BEAST v1.6.1 and Tracer v1.5 software theoretically. Reslut Most of HCV 6a strains distributed in Southwest China orgined around the year 1968 and at last 4 epidemic strains existed. The earlier orgined strains could be isolated both in intravenous drug users (IDU) and non-IDU patients. After 1997, the HCV 6a strains transmission in southwest China accelerated and the trend intensified in 2007. Conclusion HCV 6a strains spread fastly both in IDU and non-IDU patients, which might be the main HCV subtype distributed in Southwest China in the future.
【Key words】Hepatitis C virus; Genotype; Sequence analysis
HCV基因型可以影响丙型肝炎患者的病程转归和干扰素的治疗效果[1-2];HCV基因型分布与地域和传播途径密切相关[3]。探明HCV各病毒株的起源时间及播散速率有利于预测未来HCV基因型的分布模式,进而指导预防和临床治疗,其意义重大。Pybus等[3]证实HCV 6型病毒株大约在1000年以前起源于东南亚地区,而中国早期HCV 6型感染患者的报道多见于中国香港和中国台湾地区,大陆地区仅上海有数例报道[4]。中国西南地区毗邻东南亚各国,且静脉吸毒人员(intravenous drug user,IDU)比例较高[5];可以估计HCV 6型病毒株的入侵将对西南地区HCV基因型分布模式产生较大影响,前期研究结果也证实,近年HCV 6a型感染患者明显增加[6]。但是侵入中国西南部地区的HCV 6a亚型病毒株起源时间和其传播速度仍然未能得以明确,也难以估计HCV 6a亚型病毒株的入侵对该地区未来的影响。本研究旨在探明HCV 6a亚型病毒株在西南地区的传播速度,为该地区HCV感染的防治提供理论依据。
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