

作者: StephenW    时间: 2011-6-8 18:43     标题: 乙肝表面抗原定量的临床应用CLINICAL APPLICATION OF QUANTITATIVE HBsA

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测定血乙肝病毒DNA监测病毒的金标准它是相尚未在一些地区随时可。与此相反,用于检测qHBsAg相当容易和便宜,而初始研究的主要目的是要确定与qHBsAg血清HBV DNA(表(表1.1)的关系 2004年,Deguchi[
23]首次报道患者的qHBsAgB型肝炎e抗原(HBeAg)阳性,而不是用抗体阳性乙肝e抗原(抗- HBe)阳性者,而qHBsAg关,血清HBV DNA水平(r=0.862很好。虽然是否qHBsAg血清HBV DNA[26,27]的一些矛盾的,看来他根据相一些研究[28-33]需要进一步研,探一个援助qHBsAg的可能性,如果不是一种选择乙肝病毒的DNA

Correlation with serum HBV DNA

Although measuring serum HBV DNA is the gold standard for monitoring viral load, it is relatively expensive and not yet readily available in some areas. By contrast, the technique for detecting qHBsAg is fairly easy and inexpensive, and the primary aim of initial clinical studies was to determine the relationship between qHBsAg and serum HBV DNA (Table (Table1).1). In 2004, Deguchi et al[23] first reported the clinical significance ofa high qHBsAg in patients who were hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg) positive as opposed to those with an antibody positive to the hepatitis B e antigen(anti-HBe), and that qHBsAg correlated well with the serum HBV DNA level (r= 0.862). Although there are some contradicting results on whether qHBsAg is correlated with serum HBV DNA[26,27], it seems that they are correlated based on a number of studies[28-33]. Further studies are required to investigate the possibility of using qHBsAg as an aid, if not an alternative, for HBV DNA.

共价环状DNA的相一个重要的问题是它与qHBsAg共价环状DNAcccDNA)的关系 cccDNA一个小型的染色体和病毒模板行
cccDNA Werle- Lapostolle等人[29]报道在cccDNA显着减少qHBsAg
,血清乙肝病毒DNA阿德福2009/07)治并有一个与其他cccDNA强的相这一观是支持的后研究; Wursthorn[35]等人[36]表明,与
qHBsAg cccDNA,表明qHBsAg可能为一种额外标记抗病毒治过程监测疗反应的序列

Correlation with covalently closed circular DNA

An important qHBsAg issue is its association with covalentlyclosed circular DNA (cccDNA). cccDNA is a mini-chromosome and acts as a viraltemplate and replenishing pool for maintaining a chronic HBV infection[34]. Therefore, it is essential to understandthe biology of cccDNA when considering HBV therapy. However, to examine cccDNA,an invasive procedure is required, and qHBsAg has been suggested as a surrogate marker for cccDNA. Werle-Lapostolle et al[29] reported a significant decrease in cccDNA,qHBsAg, and serum HBV DNA with adefovir (ADV) therapy, and that there was astrong correlation between cccDNA and other variables. This observation was supported by subsequent studies; Wursthorn et al[35] and Chan et al[36] also showed that cccDNA was significantly correlated with qHBsAg, suggesting that serial monitoring of qHBsAg might act as an additional marker to evaluate treatment response during antiviral therapy.

)+拉米夫定疗的患(林)分别为86%,56 43%和92%的基准qHBsAg
qHBsAg用PEG-疗的患±HBeAg阳性阴性的患,一个在>1际单qHBsAg/ mL0.51.0具体日志国际单/毫升下降
清除四年后,它支持qHBsAg HBsAg临床应。此外,qHBsAg预测
接受聚乙二醇干为基础接受者操作特征疗法02以cccDNASVR患者血清HBV DNA线0.7690.7340.714别为[39]

Prediction of response to antiviral therapy

After the accumulation of data confirming that qHBsAg can beutilized as a viral monitor, qHBsAg has been evaluated as a predictor of virologic response. In a study by Chan et al[36] the sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values for sustained virologic response (SVR) in patients treated with pegylated interferon (Peg-IFN) + lamivudine (LAM) were 86%, 56%, 43%, and 92%, respectively, with baseline qHBsAg concentrations less than 10 000 IU/mL. According to the data of Manesis et al[31] achieving the complete elimination of HBsAg would probably require 10.6 years of effective LAM therapy or 5.4 years of a sustained response to interferon. Recently, the clinical usefulness of on-treatment qHBsAg in patients treated with Peg-IFN ± LAM has been suggested in both HBeAg positive and negative patients; a decline in qHBsAg of > 1 logIU/mL or specifically 0.5 and 1.0 log IU/mL at weeks 12 and 24, respectively,had high predictive value for SVR, and on-treatment HBsAg levels could be used as an early predictor of durable off-treatment response to Peg-IFN-based therapy[32,33,37].Of note is a long-term study by Marcellin et al[38]in which 35% of patients who had qHBsAg < 1500 IU/mL at week 12 eventually cleared the HBsAg by 4 years post-treatment, which supports the clinical utility of qHBsAg. Furthermore, qHBsAg was superior to cccDNA and serum HBV DNAfor predicting SVR in patients undergoing Peg-IFN-based therapy with receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves of 0.769, 0.734, and 0.714, respectively[39].



作者: lin12345    时间: 2011-6-8 22:59

good job

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